#IWSG and releasing my writer’s imagination

This month’s IWSG is hosted by Stephen Tremp,PatGarcia,AngelaWooldridge,Victoria Marie Lees, and Madeline Mora-Summonte, so be sure to stop by to visit them as well as its founder Alex J. Cavanaugh!
I don’t actually participate in the IWSG as Cecelia Earl (my pen name) but since I wrote the post for my personal writing blog, I figured I share it here as well since I hope to discuss my genre more in upcoming posts. Plus, I read the blogs of writers on wordpress a lot more now and only visit my blogger buds on IWSG days, so I wanted to get to know more of you in the IWSG here on wordpress, too!
This year my goal is efficiency with both writing and the business-side of publishing. I tend to get caught up in one or the other, or neither, and everything gets muddled up at times. I’ve created a calendar for each week to be sure everything gets taken care of. Now… to stick to the calendar.
I’ve set a release date for the third book in the series because I work better with a deadline, so I’ll be busy until summer! I’m excited about my plans after that. It’ll be fun to switch gears a little after working so hard on this series.
This month’s question:
What do you love most about the genre you write in most often?
The series I’m currently writing I consider to be Christian speculative fiction and I’m excited to be attending a Realm Makers convention this upcoming July. Prior to writing this series, I always wrote contemporary novels for young adults, so this series was quite a leap for me, but it’s been worth it.
Stretching my imagination was necessary for me to continue to develop as a writer. I’m not a courageous person, and I needed to let go a little bit. I worry about everything a reader might nitpick, and because of this new genre, I’m able to take creative leadership and just write.
I’ve loved creating a world where angels exist (as I believe they truly do) but take readers to where they train and live and consider what they think and do every day while protecting us by battling demons who trick us and mislead us.
I’m still improving and in the most recent novella I released, I started to really find how much I love creating fantastical settings, not so much in the magic of them, but the history and the importance of them to the characters and story. I realize this is the case for settings in all stories, but for me, it took writing speculative fiction to be able to release my imagination and write better stories.
Looking forward to reading about the genre you love most.
Thanks for stopping by!

7 thoughts on “#IWSG and releasing my writer’s imagination

  1. My most loved genre is science fiction, and I honestly can’t imagine changing to anything else except maybe fantasy. I think I’d get bored. The world building aspect of Sci-Fi/Fantasy is just too much fun for me, especially the part where you get to delve into the history of the world you’re creating, like you said.

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    1. I think I’m intimidated by it sometimes and sticking with realistic fiction is a bit of a breather, but I also hope I take this sense of world-building and challenge and fun of using the story and history of the setting with me when I go back to my contemporary fiction!

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  2. Sounds amazing 🙂 Good luck with sticking to your calendar.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks… I need it. I’ve been failing so far.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It’s still early in the year — lots of time to catch up 🙂


  3. Oh, I get it. I have a Sci-fi romance out and pretty much everything is fantastical. Exploring new words can be a lot of fun! I’m excited for you!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, I’m excited too! I’ll have to check out your sci-fi romance. 🙂


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